Sarah Rae
Mother of two adorable babies. Beauty and style enthusiast with a sweet passion for baking. Aspiring author and lover of literature. Currently, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Communications.
Mother of two adorable babies. Beauty and style enthusiast with a sweet passion for baking. Aspiring author and lover of literature. Currently, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Communications.
I love Influenster. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s such a fun program and I was totally smitten with the goodies I got in my SweetHeart Voxbox ’13. In My Box: Olay Fresh Effects Powered Contour…
Reckless (Thoughtless #3) S.C. Stephens; Gallery Books 2013WorldCat•LibraryThing•Google Books•BookFinder I want to scratch my eyes out, get my $13 back, and regain those hours I spent reading this damned book. How could Thoughtless and Effortless be so good and Reckless…
Whaaaat? Two weeks in a row! I’m back on my YouTubing roll. That’s right. I’m not only putting up videos once or twice or thrice a week, I’m also posting this awesome roundup! I’m pretty much owning life right now.…
Who doesn’t love butterscotch? Seriously. It tastes amazing. I wish butterscotch could shove chocolate off it’s ridiculously high pedestal. Toffee is pretty freaking delicious too. And for those of you who think that chocolate is just the ultimate… you’re in…
  Hey Hey Hey! It’s been a few weeks since we’ve last scene the best of the best on YouTube. Is it because YouTube has been totally lacking or I’ve been totally slacking? Guess we’ll never know! Let’s do this!…
When I started RavingsByRae, I wanted to document my daily life. But, I have a terrible memory and apparently I forgot about this desire of mine. I know that I won’t always have time to write out blog posts about…
If you’ve visited my blog before, you probably know that I am a member of Social Fabric®. Social Fabric is an invite- or application-only private online community that is owned by Collective Bias™, a leading shopper media company. I had a…
Hello, my dears. I went on a bit of a shopping adventure last week and picked up a bunch of randomness. I decided to show off some of my finds in a Mall Haul video. Check it out below 🙂…
I always wanted to be Super Mom. I wanted to wake up early, make a huge breakfast, and greet my family with a hot meal and a huge smile. I wanted that. Past tense. Now, I want to make it…
So, my blog is called Ravings By Rae. My idea behind this, was that I could come here to rant, rave, or ramble about whatever I wanted. I rarely rave about things. Sure, I enjoy different things but rave about…
About 3 years ago, I decided that I wanted to change my health. Not just by dropping my 3 o’clock chocolate craving… I made a serious change. After countless meetings with nutritionists and doctors, I took the plunge. I had…