[New Video] Fat People Are Unhealthy

I made a video about how fat people are unhealthy. This is that video. Enjoy. πŸ™‚

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  1. April 29, 2014 / 5:51 am

    This was a great video, even though I wish it hadn’t been born out of hurt over nasty comments that insensitive people chose to make about you. You were so right that anyone can be unhealthy, no matter what size, shape, or color we are! We are not defined by our body size, and the number on the scales doesn’t determine our worth. I couldn’t agree with you more that a huge part of our problemis the way we think; it took me years to realize that, and that doesn’t just relate to how we eat or don’t eat…that relates to any area of our lives. I’m sorry that so many trollers decoded to judge you and say nasty things about you; they haven’t walked in your shoes, nor do they know anything about you…they’re the ones who’re unhealthy, if you ask me. I’ve visited your blog numerous times, and I’m always struck by how beautiful you are and how comfortable and friendly you are with others, causing us to want to revisit time and time again. Thanks again for sharing what so many people needed to hear!
    Patty recently posted..Defined by graceMy Profile

    • Rae
      April 29, 2014 / 8:27 pm

      Thank you so much, Patty! I totally agree and this was just a really great comment. πŸ™‚

  2. AdΓ©la
    May 1, 2014 / 6:38 am

    First of all THANK YOU for this video, it might be my first comment on your blog but it’s been a while that i suscribed on your youtube channel and that i check your blog. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT i never met you and there’s little chance i ever will (I live in France) but you inspire me with everything you do, seriously you made me cry several times with your videos. I’m almost 20, i’m overweight as well and i’ve struggled with it most of my life, and i wish there would’ve been inspiring people like you to look for as role models when i was younger because living in this society whether it’s on tv or in magazines, i’ve been taught that being overweight is not the way to be, it’s not pretty and i’m waisting years of my life being fat. Anymay, i relate to almost everything you said so THANK YOU again for everything, keep inspiring people with what you do, you might not realize it but just with watching your videos you help people think better about themselves, me included. Also, sorry for my english like i told you i’m french πŸ˜€

    PS: I don’t know if you watch grey’s anatomy, but there’s an actress who plays an intern, her name is Camilla Ludington and seriously you could be her twin sister! You guys look so much alike, same expressions as well haha

  3. sammy
    May 3, 2014 / 12:49 am

    you need to write a book.. and share your awesomeness in paperback.
    You are such a positive role model πŸ™‚

    And totally agree 100% with what Patty wrote ^^

  4. May 6, 2014 / 12:56 pm

    your style is amazing you are so cute <333 but I felt like I was getting yelled at in the video lol oh well you meant that for the haters keep on being an inspiration love ur page!!

  5. Rachel
    November 21, 2014 / 6:26 pm

    I really love this video! It contains everything I have ever felt and wanted to say to people my whole life. Being judged because of what you eat and drink is shitty. Growing up family and friends would make comments about my portions and my aunt use to make me go on walks after dinner because she thought I needed it. At first I thought it was just because she wanted to spend time with me. In middle school and high school i didn’t eat at school. It’s hard to love yourself with things like this swirling through you head but I’m getting there. My husband is a big help. Thank you so much for posting this video. I think you are a beautiful person inside and out and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your YouTube channel.

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