Connecting with Coffee

Collective Bias DisclosureConnecting with Coffee #shop

Fall is finally in full swing and that means two things: amazing weather and a busy schedule. I’m a full-time student and a full-time work at home mom. Between school, work, and mothering I need coffee to make it through the day. I’m a little ashamed to admit that I go through some days with only coffee making it into my system. Even worse, most of my coffee has come from a certain coffeehouse… and I’m extra ashamed to admit that I spent more at that coffeehouse than I did on my car payment last month.

I have a problem. That’s step one, isn’t it? Admitting your addiction?

Is step two changing your dealers? Because that’s what I’m doing. If I can’t quit coffee, I’m at least going to quit my dealer. Now that everything in the world officially comes in pumpkin flavor – I especially need to control my addiction, because I’m a pumpkin junkie. I might get my coffeehouse fix once or twice a week, but for the most part I’ve started making my coffee in-house.

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This usually leads to another issue with me making an entire pot of coffee and then drinking all 10 cups. This wouldn’t happen if there were other adults to share with, but for the most part it’s just me and my babies. And as much as they would LOVE to drink mommy’s coffee (they are mini-addicts) I won’t give them actual full cups of coffee. I ain’t cray!

So I’ve taken to making Taster’s Choice instant coffee, one cup at a time. And because I’m super forgetful I usually forget that I wanted that second cup before I ever get up to make it.

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My other addiction is sugar. Copious amounts of sugar. I take excellent care of my teeth (seriously, my dentist loves me) and I STILL get at least 3 cavities a year because of how much sugar I consume. I usually add a ton of creamer to my coffee, I’m talking a nice 35/65 split. So I grabbed some Coffee-Mate pumpkin spice non-dairy creamer because when I use the powdered stuff I use WAY less.

Look at me, being all adult. I’m admitting my problems and and even sort of attempting to fix them. I still top my coffee with whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and usually drink it with some sort of sugary pastry – but let’s just ignore that. Yeah? I’ll share my cookies with you. 😉

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Now that I’m a single mom, I have a couple of days a week that I do not have my children. And because I’m a work from home mom, this means I spend these days sitting on the couch and doing homework or blogging for hours and hours. My mom is also a student, a nursing student actually, so she spends most of her days either in class, clinical, or holed up in a room studying some gross disease.

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Sometimes, we both take breaks from our work and have a moment of connection over our mutual love of coffee. I might take a little more sugar in mine, but she is all about the sweet sides and whipped topping. It’s always a nice little break from our respective work.

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If you’ve been a reader of my blog for awhile you know that I love to bake and I would normally make sure to be stocked up on fresh baked goodies, but my sugar intake was INSANE with all of the baking so I had to quit. I haven’t touched my KitchenAid in so many months. I dust her off every now and again, but she gets very little love from me. So, I usually grab some ‘fancy cookies’ for our little moments of connection. They are always the perfect complement to our coffee. 🙂


You know I love sugar… but how do you #LoveYourCup?


  1. October 22, 2013 / 2:19 pm

    Oh I am soo with you on the coffee, especially Iced Coffee. One thing that helped me cut down on my trips to Dunkin Donuts was making my own at home. The trick to that is leaving the hot coffee in the freezer for at least 10 minutes before adding ice, cream, sugar, etc. Makes a world of difference!

    btw: Those cookies look amazing!!

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