Disney Pixar Cars Dream Party

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Cars The Movie Dream Party #shop

My little man, Jaden, is turning 2 years old this Wednesday. Two WHOLE years. Holy cow. I guess I can’t call this extra baggage ‘baby weight’ anymore, eh? 😉 Last year, I had a serious bout of mommy guilt around his birthday. You see his big sister (older by 9 months, smaller by 9 lbs) had a HUGE elaborate first birthday party and Jaden… didn’t. But I totally redeemed myself this year with an awesome Disney Pixar Cars themed Dream Party!

Cars The Movie Dream Party #Shop

Even though I wanted to give Jaden a HUGE mega blow-out style of party like I gave his sister Nahla, I just didn’t have the time, money, or patience for it. For Nahla’s party, I actually made every single decoration by hand because the theme was impossible to find in stores at the time. It took me months. Yes, months of planning. I wasn’t looking to do that again.

Luckily, this time around I had the option to run into Walmart and grab ALL of the decorations I would need for an awesome Disney Pixar Cars party. Jaden loves Disney Pixar Cars and I knew he would be totally hyped about  this little shindig. It took me all of about 30 minutes to pick out all his decor, gifts, and even order a super yummy cake.

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Setting up for the party was a breeze, too. We put the kiddies down for their naps and then set to work decorating. It took about an hour to transform the kitchen and breakfast nook into a full on Cars party zone. We didn’t contain the guests to these rooms, but it was nice have a spot for the kids to run and grab snacks/drinks from.

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After setting up the actual party table with a bunch of Cars decorations that I got from Walmart, I needed a spot for the main food. I ordered two HUGE pizzas from our favorite local pizza joint. Because you know, it’s a kids party and I really had no desire to cook.

So my mom, genius that she is, laid a foam board across the sinks and put a table cloth across the counter. She cut a spot for the faucet in the cloth and then topped it with a box wrapped in black plastic. Had you never been to the house… you would’ve had absolutely no idea there was a sink under there. Genius!

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The little touches are what really brought this party together. I didn’t want to spend a ton of time on party prep (because, hello, I’m a busy single mommy and don’t have time to be Martha Stewart). So I grabbed some checkered Ducktape from Walmart, Disney Pixar Cars stickers, and some gummy snacks. I used the Ducktape on the drinks for added jazz and popped the stickers onto little mandarin cups.

The raisins, squeezable applesauce, and fruit snacks went very quickly. And my little man devoured the mini ‘tire’ donuts in the back of Mater. I loved little Mater. He was so easy to put together and really brought the table together.

Cars The Movie Dream Party #shop

And the veggie/cheese tray was quickly gobbled up. I bought a pre-cut veggie tray from Walmart when I picked up his cupcake cake and re-plated it, for display. I added some chopped up cheese, beef jerky sticks, and checkered flag toothpicks.

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So did I really make the kids all sit on the floor? No. 😉 They decided to do that on their own. We had other tables but they were totally digging the vibe in the Disney Pixar Cars room and all plopped down together and ate their pizza in unison. They ate their cupcakes there, too. Which I was grateful for because four of the kids pictured are 3 and under! Which means that frosting was everywhere. Everywhere.

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After everyone had eaten pizza and cupcakes, party favors were handed out, and then came my big boy’s gifts. He got a mess of Disney Pixar Cars and Disney Planes themed toys. To see more about what I bought him, check out my Google+ story. Jaden was beyond excited about his gifts and the entire party in general. The house was destroyed afterwards but the kids all had a blast and the parents were well fed. 😉

Jaden was super excited about all of his gifts. I bought him a ton of Disney Pixar Cars toy cars and lots of cool toys from the new Disney movie, Planes. He has been flying his new Planes all around the house and using the toy cones we bought to create runways for both the little cars and planes.

Because his birthday landed right around the release of the Disney Pixar Planes movie release, he hadn’t seen it at the time of the party. But he was incredibly excited about his new Disney Planes toys because it has such a Disney Pixar Cars feel to it. Which makes sense, because Planes is “From Above The World Of Cars” after all. 🙂

Disney Pixar Cars #shop

With decorations, food, gifts, and party favors I only spent around $300 total. Not too shabby. And that is a fraction of what I spent on Little Miss Nahla’s party two years ago. Jaden and his guests all had an awesome time which was worth every single penny.

Did I mention set up and clean up only took me around 2 hours total? And my whole party was totally Cars themed without me having to spend countless hours printing, glueing, glittering, and cutting. All I needed was 30 minutes in Walmart, a roll of tape, and a helpful hand. And there is no mommy guilt to be seen, anymore!

1 Cars the Movie Dream Party #shop

Happy Birthday Bubba! 🙂


Check out the latest on Disney Pixar


  1. August 26, 2013 / 10:56 am

    Awesome job! Love youe Cars party ideas. We had a party as well and my kids sent crazy over all the new Planes and Cars toys!

    • Rae
      August 26, 2013 / 11:21 am

      They have some pretty cool toys! I’ve been playing with the pull back Planes toys for the last few days.

    • Rae
      August 26, 2013 / 11:20 am

      Haha thanks. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m the coolest. But he might be a little biased. 😉

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