One Young Lady’s Tea Time

        Bigelow Tea

Becoming a parent immediately made me feel like an adult. Before my daughter was born, I moved out of my parents home. I settled into being on my own, and working a full-time office job. I thought that made me an adult. But I was wrong. Parenthood, that’s what shoved me out of childhood into real deal adulthood.

But I loved adulthood. Struggling with money, time, and maintaining independence of self, were just some of the challenges I faced after becoming a mom. I conquered life every step of the way.

Five weeks after my daughter was born, I became pregnant with my son. Who knew giving birth made you into a little fertile Myrtle? Not me, and certainly not my boyfriend. But it meant double duty for both of us.

Bigelow Tea

 This is one of my favorite teas to drink… it’s so flavorful and soothing.


With dad being away at work all the time, those random and seldom quiet moments in my life were always savored. I remember drinking a lot of decaf tea and nibbling on my latest pregnancy craving.

Having struggled to nurse my daughter, I was ready to do whatever it took to nurse my son. I drank tons of nursing tea and took lots of maple syrup smelling supplements. Making the tea and standing in my kitchen drinking it… quickly became one of my favorite things to do. A few moments away from the chaos of my 9 month old and newborn were always needed.

My little monsters and I 🙂

Fast-forward to now; those quiet moments are actually a little easier to come by. But having two toddlers that are only 9 months apart still provides me with a lot of daily stress. To cope, in the last year I’ve become a coffee drinker. And let me tell you… I have never felt older.

I’m not just an adult anymore. Now I’m old. Because old folks, you know, people in their late 20s and 30s, are dependent on coffee. They wake up looking forward to it and make jokes about not bothering them before they’ve had their first cup. I hate it. I refuse to be old. I’m not even 25! I’m not allowed to need coffee in my day, because young people don’t NEED coffee. They still have all that energy bottled up inside themselves.

Luckily, I’m not dependent on coffee, yet. It doesn’t ruin my day if I don’t have it and feel free to talk to me before I get that first cup… I won’t bite.

Bigelow Tea

Bigelow Tea has always been one of my favorite brands to drink. 🙂


I’m actually gravitating back towards drinking hot tea. I do drink iced tea all day, every day. But the calming process of hot tea is something I love. Heating the water, steeping my tea bag, and adding my sweeteners is something that I have always enjoyed. It’s 10 quiet minutes. Well, they aren’t always that quiet, but with my kids on the opposite side of the safety gate, I can pretend it’s quiet :).

I recently took a trip to Target to explore some new brands and flavors of tea. You can see more about my shopping trip on Google+.

One of my favorite things about hot tea is that the process of making it distracts me from all those adulthood struggles I mentioned before. And drinking my cup of tea has always had a way of calming me in a way that coffee never has.

Bigelow Tea

Coffee makes me feel like I can conquer my day. But tea makes me feel as though I don’t need to conquer anything. It lets me relax and realize that everything is going to be okay. Because, it always ends up being okay. And it always will.

How do you hold on to your youth?


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I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric

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