
If you are a brand looking to collaborate with me on a project – email me at

If you are looking for advice or have a topic idea for a future video or blog post – email me at or contact me via my Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook


This blog is part of my job, which means I’m sometimes able to collaborate on projects with my favorite brands and make a few bucks along the way. I also use affiliate links to earn a small percentage if you decide to buy an item I’ve mentioned in a post. Whenever I partner with a brand or am gifted an item, I always mention it in my post. I never mention a product or a brand that I can’t stand behind. My opinion isn’t for sale and any thoughts posted on this site are mine alone. I’m all about full disclosure. 😉


  1. LERon Jones
    December 30, 2013 / 5:12 pm

    Love your videos on you tube

  2. Rebecca Cervantes
    January 29, 2014 / 4:39 pm

    Hey there, recently came across your site and I have an eyelash emergency and was wondering if you had any true fixes you have tried. I have recently tried eyelash extensions and had them removed recently because they just weren’t for me and I just knew that my lashes were going to be half what they were, despite them saying they would be fine. So now my eyelashes are half as long as they use to be and im wondering if they will grow back? and if you have ever tried any products that promise to improve length etc. Thanks so much!

    • Rae
      January 29, 2014 / 5:36 pm

      I’m currently using Fysiko eye lash serum, but I haven’t been using it long enough to give you a good review on it. I will be reviewing it after another month or so.

  3. Kris
    March 5, 2014 / 11:26 am

    I just wanted to say thank you for being a positive role model. I am a 18 year old girl who has weight issues and I find your videos on you tube very inspirational and I think the world needs more girls like you speaking up. 🙂

    • angel
      March 12, 2015 / 12:11 pm

      me 2 were do u get ur cloths

  4. Katt L
    March 18, 2014 / 3:44 pm

    You are a very Inspirational Person 🙂 Keep it up !!!!

  5. Quincy
    April 19, 2014 / 2:25 pm

    Oh my goodness!

    First of all, your videos are hilarious!! and just so honest, and open. I just came across a few of them and loved them!

    Love your confidence and style! and daaaag, you are very very easy on the eyes, if u know what i’m sayin’ !! absolutely beautiful!

    Love n hugs,

    God bless!

  6. Quincy
    April 19, 2014 / 2:30 pm

    I hear that Pharell song playing now….”because i’m happy….”

    your whole outlook makes me Happy!



  7. Maffy
    April 21, 2014 / 4:14 pm

    Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i really admire you, i have been watching your videos just recently but..i think i have watched them all… I just cant get bored of any of them! Thanks a lot for all your advices, and hey! you help people and get some profits too (working and sponsoring all those companies) that’s really clever :3
    I wish you my best

    ( Excuse my english, i am from south america so it isnt my first language u.u)

  8. dixie
    May 9, 2014 / 6:54 pm

    Hey I just came across your sight and watched a couple of your videos and just wanted to say you are absolutely beautiful and its girls with personalities like yours that give others encouragement….love your videos keep it up!!!

  9. Sheri
    June 3, 2014 / 10:39 pm

    Will you do a video about the first time you went out in clothing other than the big t-shirt & sweatpants? I always worry about what others are thinking… how the hell do you get past that? I’d LOVE to hear this answer in a video as I’m sure others would.. thanks!

  10. Anne Baptiste
    June 22, 2014 / 4:46 pm

    Hello, I just wanted to say I love your blog and YouTube videos because they are really inspirational especially to a 17 year old girl who is learning to love herself. I really just wanted you to see this song that I just feel in love with because of the message behind it. Thanks again for having an amazing and positive YouTube videos. XOXO

    Here is the url:

  11. mallory
    June 26, 2014 / 4:58 pm

    I am 19 years old almost 20. I’ve struggled with depression for a long time mostly since my family fell apart when I was 14. I’ve never had a real relationship with my mother and even when we talk about sex its usually a conversation consisting of details from her sex life with her boyfriend. No advice or tips, just bragging. She wasn’t around when I had my first period and I had no one to answer my thousands of questions. When I watch your videos about periods and sex and all of that, I could not help but wonder how many girls like me you were helping. I wish I had had videos like this to watch back then and someone who would explain to me that everything was okay. Because I had no one. So thank you for helping the girls that you do from feeling like I did.
    My weight was never something that was really a big deal to me, of course I always wanted to be that skinny girl in my class. But it wasn’t until I reached my freshman year of college that it really started to bother me. I had had this boyfriend in high school and he had cheated on me, lied about ever being with me and broken up with me for the girl he had cheated with. When I moved into my dorm in my college I soon learned that his new girlfriend was in the same building as me. When I found out he had cheated on me she was very nasty to me, calling me a whore and a slut even though he was the only guy I had ever been with and ever planned on being with. We would run into each other frequently and she would always make comments about how much of a whale that I was. At first it really hurt me. I had also had A LOT of roommate troubles in my entire first year I moved a total of 4 times due to people who were just cruel. My mother is an alcoholic along with a few other family members so I do not drink because I have seen it destroy people. I will not touch drugs and I moved into my college with blinders on pointing to my future career and nothing else. Most of my roommates would get really mad at me for not wanting their alcohol and drugs around and knowing that I had the power to stop them, they would all resort to name calling and sound making to make me feel powerless. There were nights where I laid in my bed listening to them mooing and oinking through the door while banging on it as if I couldn’t already hear them. My ex broke up with his girlfriend and we started talking again and I took refuge in him, he has always made me feel better about myself and I knew that I was not innocent when we broke up so I forgave him. We weren’t back together but all of my new friends from my college classes kept telling me how terrible of a person he is and that I should throw him out like yesterday’s garbage, pointing out only his mistakes. And they never let me forget how they felt about him. I could not even mention the one person who made me happy without being mocked.
    Watching your videos, I honestly have cried during quite a few of them because I realized that all the people who called me fat were wrong. That if all they had to make fun of me for was that I was fat, then they had nothing. I am smart. I had a 3.8 GPA in my first year while maintaining my first real part time job and all the drama that I was forced to deal with. I am strong. And it made me even more confident in my career choice of becoming a counselor. I want to help people like you have helped all of your subscribers. I am currently working, slowly but surely, towards getting healthier in my eating habits and my activity level. I am also taking a lot of your tips on dressing my body to really accentuate my good points and lift my self-confidence back up.
    I just wanted you to know how much you have helped me so thank you so much Sarah you are wonderful. <3

  12. Jessica
    July 18, 2014 / 4:33 pm

    Rea I am so I happy I stumbled across your videos on YouTube. Since the little time I’ve been subscribed to you I’ve became more comfortable within my own skin nd myself esteem is growing. I love your realness nd how strong you are. Thank you.

  13. Dayna
    August 1, 2014 / 3:03 am

    If the world was filled with more people that mirrored your positive attitude , encouragement, and enthusiastic personality ……….the world would be a much better place!!! Your an inspiration to us all Thank you!!

    Dayna Martinez-36
    Single mom of 4

  14. Daesharaywarren
    August 1, 2014 / 10:50 pm

    This is my first time see your page and I love it. ❤️❤️❤️ And I’m only 14. My moms been asking me ever spence I got out of school what clothes I’ve been thinking of wear for high but I never new now that I’ve seen your clothes I no what’s want I want toon wear your got them ??

  15. Kenzie
    August 8, 2014 / 9:53 pm

    ooh my god…i really needed to see ur vid right now. (youtube) my bf left today while i was at work (for a guy’s weekend trip) and i’ve been so scared he’ll go to a strip club…because in the past year that we’ve lived together i have gained at least 15-20 pounds…and although that might not seem like a lot to some people(or maybe it is) lol idk :-p …to me it’s been devastating. but to be honest i had a coke problem and since ive stopped (which was extremely hard), doing it ive gained the weight. i never really noticed it! …until my ex coworkers pointed it out (but no one realized how UN-healthy i was and what i was doing) and now ive been suuper self-conscious 🙁 and i work at a retail store in berwyn, il and the pressure is immense from our boss to look a certain way … i was actually watching this documentary on netflix called Miss Representation and that led me to google your video AND I LOOOVED THAT YOU CRIED! it made me cry …because i felt that u were sincere and i can honest to god say i’ve felt how you’ve felt…still do somedays…. thank you for being so brave and being a great role model! im your new fan 🙂 its funny how a random video can affect someones outlook in such a short time…i realize its not a long term thing, but for now…uve made me feel waaaay better abput myself 🙂 p.s. you should watch Miss Representation (netflix) u should be on there! lol

  16. Ally
    August 9, 2014 / 6:45 pm

    Just wanted to let you know that someone on Facebook is using your personal pics and passing them off as herself..Kristen Amy Taylor.

  17. Lavender
    August 14, 2014 / 4:36 pm

    Like someone else has said, there’s a woman on facebooked called Kristen Amy Taylor who has uploaded a photo of you and is passing it off as a photo of herself.

    Here is a link to the picture in question (I’m not sure if it will work):
    And here’s a link to her facebook photos, she’s uploaded the photo of you three times:

  18. Emily
    September 15, 2014 / 1:33 pm

    Oh. my. girl! I so wish this were a world where you lived close to me. And you and I were friends! I have just “wasted” two precious nap time hours of my 2 year old and 2 month old delving in to your videos/tutorials and can’t wait to watch more! I am the largest I’ve ever been (always been a thicker girl) but after 2 babies have lost all confidence but mostly just because I don’t know how to dress this new body of mine. I’m trying to learn and loving your sites! I wish I could fly you here to me for a week so you could teach me your ways, and grab a drink and have a kid free girls night out of course! 😉 Definitely keep posting as I will now be checking in on the regular to see what new styles I can try to rock next! Now, on to dig in to more of your posts to try to find one about contouring as I am in desperate need of at least learning how to make my face up if nothing else!

  19. Taylor
    September 16, 2014 / 2:59 am

    I am such a big fan of yours you have truly helped me become way more confident with my body and just myself in general, thank you so much. You are wonderful!!!

  20. Bianca
    October 4, 2014 / 2:02 pm

    Hi Sarah!

    BIG Fan…. and so jealous of how pretty you can make plus size look!!

    I constantly try to find similar looks for i am a plus size girl and different. Diffident because i have literally no boobs! so body is funny looking and I wear a bra for the effect.

    Can you maybe give some advise anywhere on social medias about what girls like me can wear?

    Thanks for awesome person you are!

  21. kat
    October 23, 2014 / 2:45 pm

    hello i just found your site and love your stlye if you do resale your items for fashion figure let me know because most to the things you have showed are already sold out. thanks in advance

  22. nadine
    October 31, 2014 / 5:20 am

    hi there, greetings from sunny ( and blisteringly hot at the moment) South Africa !
    i came across your blog while searching for a Halloween costume to wear to a dance tomorrow night…yup we do Halloween when it suits us out here in the bush-veld 😉
    i was struck by how lovely you are and how refreshing it is to see a bigger girl stand up ans say this is who i am so deal with it. i too am a bigger girl and i am a yoga teacher. i have women in my class with beautiful bodies ( by to today’s version of what beautiful is ) who obviously dont have the confidence and positive outlook that you radiate!
    keep it up and keep being you.
    lots of love, peace and hugs,


  23. mikayla johnson
    November 3, 2014 / 8:14 pm

    hi my name is mikayla im new to your website im 14 years old. im very tall for my age. BUt im also large. I get bullied so badly about the way i look and what i wear i tried to kill my self. My mom is out of a job and we are running out of money i worK. i HAD $ 500 but i had to use to pay bills. I dont want to get bullied about my wieght or the way i dress. I go to a caucasion school not to be meann. But im black so everyone wears pink and everything and that cost way to much. I have to have heart surgery on november 17 because i have a hole in my heart. Some nights i stay up all night all night crying because the way i get treated. I dont tell my mom because she already has enough on her hands with finding a job. I need help i need someone to talk 2 and this is theonly place i feel like i can talk please HELP ME.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2014 / 9:35 pm

      Mikayla, I’d like to start by saying, as someone who has considered it in the past, suicide is never an answer. I know this probably doesn’t sound very reassuring, but it will get better, especially after high school once you’re in the real world. I can’t promise that the financial struggle will be better, but from personal experience, I can tell you that elementary and high school bullies are some of the cruelest there are, if you can make it through that, you can make it through anything. Children can be exceedingly cruel, and it sucks, but once you’re an adult, you will realize just how immature those people really were. Their acts of bullying get them nowhere. Stay strong and you can make it through anything.

      Seeing as your comment was from earlier in the month, I hope your surgery went well.

      I will watch this comment thread for the next few days in case you have any further specific advice you need or questions you’d like answers to.

      I know I’m not the person you were hoping for an answer from, but I wanted to lend a helping hand.

      Good Luck and God Bless.

  24. Amy
    November 11, 2014 / 1:50 pm

    Hi Sarah!

    First of all thank you so much for all your videos they really have inspired me and helped with my confidence so much

    I’m 16 and I’m a director of an upcoming charity called the World Youth Organization, our goal is to get more teens globally involved with charity work, and next year in aid of cancer research and disability sport, myself and another 5 teens are walking form London to Paris, however because we aren’t very known yet, funding for this is very hard, we was wondering if you would maybe help us promote the walk a little? perhaps make a video about it or anything?

    Of course i understand that you probably get a lot of requests and messages like this so I understand if you are unable to help, however if you can help us in any way or have any advice let me know

  25. November 17, 2014 / 5:39 pm

    Hi Sarah!

    My name is Paige and I’m writing concerning a video you have on youtube titled ” Fat People are Unhealthy”

    I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and , have been prematurely judged for my weight by people who do not know of my condition. So I’ve decided to start a vlog on youtube to educate people about PCOS and to begin to debunk the idea that just because you’re overweight does not mean you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. I wanted to asked you if I could use a short 5 second clip of you stating; “You guys do not get to decide who is healthy and who is not healthy. I can be healthy at a high weight – thin people are not necessarily healthy juts like overweight people are not necessarily unhealthy” for one of my vlogs? I’m using various other clips from other youtubers as well to back up my “theory” so to speak lol. I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you so much and God Bless!


  26. Rob
    November 24, 2014 / 2:49 am

    Stumbled upon your site during my travels on the interweb. I don’t think I’m part of the intended audience for this page, but I did want to say I think you’re very beautiful.

  27. Kelly Scott
    December 1, 2014 / 4:04 pm

    RE : Digital Marketing For Your Website


    We can fairly quickly promote your website to the top of the search rankings with no long term contracts!

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    We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. Please contact me at your convenience so we can start saving you some money.

    In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and /or phone number.


    Kelly Scott

    SEO – PPC – SMO – Link Building – Copyright – Web Designing – PHP

  28. December 3, 2014 / 9:18 am

    I left a message on your youtube but with all the trash, spam and trolls you might be like me and rarely read those comments. I think you are fabulous and your sex-positive videos are perfect for my target audience. I am an ex model who due to cancer and many many abdominal surgeries before finally submitting to a full hysterectomy am now sadly stagnant at size 18. I physically can not ever have a flat stomach again the muscles are ripped to shreds and the nerves severely damaged. I still work out every day, eat raw foods and fresh juices (health conscious vegan) But at least once a day someone feels the need to remind me that I am fat … maybe I forgot or something. One of the side effects of ovarian cancer and the surgeries was it left me numb in places that made it almost impossible to enjoy sexual activity. I have a drop dead gorgeous print model husband who is 7 yrs my junior. Young successful and beautiful, he did not sign up to have his sex life end before he hit 30. So long story short, I took my medical background, my wifi and my credit card and spent 5 months figuring out wtf. Being big from once thin and it being something that happened quite rapidly was affecting my sex life in ways I did not realize. It was not a self esteem issue, I have never had a problem with my body image, it was physical. Things people said like “just lose the weight and you will be fine”….were so wrong I wanted to scream. I would love to talk with you and round table about some of the things that are not common knowledge and you can probably elaborate on many of the things I discuss in my blog. I am going to embed a few of your videos onto my site and would love to talk more in depth with you. I am a several time published author, mostly medical and reference textbooks,but I will send you a friend request on goodreads and possibly we can brainstorm on an ebook for the big girls who still got it goin on 🙂 here is an article that I thought you would really benefit from just skip the top half and go to the bottom for the “rule of thumb” something you said in your video reminded me of it. xoxo Hillary

  29. MissyJ
    December 10, 2014 / 5:58 am

    Hi, love your site!! Would you mind sharing your US pant size with us? Only because I would love the clothes you have and your style, it”s just different clothes look different on different sizes and I would like to know if you are close to me size.. thank you!

  30. Jeff Shymko
    December 10, 2014 / 12:12 pm

    Hi Sarah. I’m a 49 year old man from Toronto Canada.I came across your youtube page today. My god! You’re perfect! Not just your beautiful face and your jaw dropping curves but wonderful personality. At least how you seem in some of your videos. So articulate and funny and positive that it’s hard to imagine you have or had any insecurities about your looks. I’d be proud to walk into a room with a woman as good looking as you.
    You made me cry in your video ‘What men love and hate about dating fat girls’. I wanted to give you a hug. No, this isn’t a request. I’m a realist. You said you sometimes wondered why this or that guy would want to be with you. Throughout my life I’ve felt the same way about good looking fat girls. I’m a slimi(ish) average looking guy, I get called cute, and have been afraid to approach these big beautiful women because I would think “ Obviously she could do better than me. She’s gorgeous. Way above my league”. I’ve always been aware there’s plenty of people who have the same tastes in women as me and I can be just as intimidated and insecure and afraid of rejection as much as some of the big girls I’ve desired. Ruined opportunities because of my fear.
    If you ever need opinions from a guy who’s always liked big girls please email me. Keep up the good work. Jeff

  31. SammySouthA
    December 17, 2014 / 8:19 am

    hey love your you tube vids and think you a great insperation to all women and mothers out there !!

  32. Jessica Forrester
    December 20, 2014 / 1:11 pm

    OKay, here is what’s up !! My Mom wants to try out for Wizard Of Oz ‘Wicked Witch.’ I was just wondering if you could tell me how your Mom made your Mrs. Clause dress?

  33. January 14, 2015 / 12:18 am

    Hi, I am one of your YouTube followers and just started my first blog-ish thing today! I watched your latest video and decided to see what a real blog looked like and came over here. Wow, i can only wish that my blog will someday look like this. You are such and inspiration for me. I may be on the thin side, but I absolutely LOVE your Dear Fat Girl series, its amazing. Thank you for staying very real with everything that you do.

  34. January 15, 2015 / 8:28 am

    Hello, Sarah ! My name is Charo, I’m from Spain and just watched your video of questions you did to your ex-boyfriends, and I sure you I’ve just fallen in love with you hahaha ^_^ You’re such a wonderful and beautiful person, thank you very much for sharing with the world your worries and deepest feelings, because surely you’ve helped a lot of people who have the same ones. Personally speaking, I also think that it’s really fucking unfair that people pressures you to feel that you’re not good or beautiful enough for the world. Fuck them, we all are beautiful and must be proud of ourselves because there’s no anyone as awesome like us. In my past also had a time when I felt insecure and believed that any guy would feel attracted to me because I have a very very very BIG ass, but you know, now I really LOVE my beautiful ass hahaha XP Again, thanks so much for be such a wonderful person ! Keep it up ! ^^
    P.D.: I’m going to use your beauty tips ! :3

  35. January 22, 2015 / 4:20 pm

    I know that nobody is reading this, and I’m not sure if I am writing this for someone else to read or for myself. I am going to site anyway. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was eight years old and it has been a huge factor in my life since then. At eight I had gray skin with hair that looked like straw due to my thyroid shutting down. It took a long time to balance my hormones with the correct medicine, but within that time I gained a lot of weight and had no energy. From age eight to twelve I had friends, adults, and teachers comment on my eight and appearance because they did not understand that I was going through. I remember specifically having three of my friends parents sitting me down telling me I could not be on the best soccer team due to my weight, even though I was more than able to play on the team. (I am a huge soccer player, and I am proud to say that I am great at doing what I do on the field)This time in my life not only left me with stretch marks all over my body that have never gone away or even faded, but it has left me feeling horrible about myself to this day. I still weight more than I would like to, and even though I work out all the time my endocrinologist has told me that trying to loose weight after being on such a high dose of medication for as long as I have been is like trying to bring down a brick building with a screw driver. I was later diagnosed with panic anxiety disorder, and depression that I have had to fight against for a long time. I am proud of where I am mentally against my depression and anxiety, but I have never even thought to try to become confident in the way that I look. I actually have only found you on YouTube this past week, but you have already impacted me. I’m nowhere near where you are confidence wise, but seeing you has shown me a new perspective to looking at myself. So what I am trying to say is thank you for helping me look at myself in a bit more of a positive life after such a long time of not seeing it. Thank you. xoxox Sarah Ann

  36. January 22, 2015 / 4:20 pm

    I know that nobody is reading this, and I’m not sure if I am writing this for someone else to read or for myself. I am going to site anyway. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was eight years old and it has been a huge factor in my life since then. At eight I had gray skin with hair that looked like straw due to my thyroid shutting down. It took a long time to balance my hormones with the correct medicine, but within that time I gained a lot of weight and had no energy. From age eight to twelve I had friends, adults, and teachers comment on my eight and appearance because they did not understand that I was going through. I remember specifically having three of my friends parents sitting me down telling me I could not be on the best soccer team due to my weight, even though I was more than able to play on the team. (I am a huge soccer player, and I am proud to say that I am great at doing what I do on the field)This time in my life not only left me with stretch marks all over my body that have never gone away or even faded, but it has left me feeling horrible about myself to this day. I still weight more than I would like to, and even though I work out all the time my endocrinologist has told me that trying to loose weight after being on such a high dose of medication for as long as I have been is like trying to bring down a brick building with a screw driver. I was later diagnosed with panic anxiety disorder, and depression that I have had to fight against for a long time. I am proud of where I am mentally against my depression and anxiety, but I have never even thought to try to become confident in the way that I look. I actually have only found you on YouTube this past week, but you have already impacted me. I’m nowhere near where you are confidence wise, but seeing you has shown me a new perspective to looking at myself. So what I am trying to say is thank you for helping me look at myself in a bit more of a positive light after such a long time of not seeing it. Thank you. xoxox Sarah Ann

  37. Britney Cozby
    January 24, 2015 / 4:48 pm

    Hi, my name is Britney and I’m 15 from Dallas Texas. I just wanted to tell you I was so inspired by your fashion and style of plus size women. I wish I were more powerful with my weight like you and I love that you are. I am writing this Quotev story online, (it is a young/teen website for amateurs) and I just wanted to notify you that I was going to use your fashion photos. I love them so much I wanted to use you as my character. If you would like to read some of it I would love for you to tell me how you feel about it. And if you dont want me to use your photos I completely understand.
    Thank you so much 🙂

    Its not complete yet so excuse my mistakes if I make one.

  38. Heather
    January 26, 2015 / 2:09 pm

    Hey Sarah. So I have recently come to the conclusion that I cannot afford to continue school and afford our apartment anymore so Myself, my one year old son and my SO will be moving into my parents house. it will be cramped but they are willing to help us. I know that you moved back into your parents place so I was just wondering how you’ve had to adjust. I feel so embarrassed that we can no longer afford to love on our own and I feel I am taking 1 step forward, 20 steps back. My mother and I have a great relationship but we always bicker. How do you manage your at home relationships? Is there anything you do to make sure you have your own personal space? I’m thinking about buying earplugs so I can focus on school work when my son goes to bed, but I feel that won’t be enough. Were you embarrassed to move back home? I feel like a failure 🙁

  39. Lola Jeng
    January 26, 2015 / 7:38 pm

    Hi Rae! I recently found your channel on YouTube and let me just say you are such an amazing person! I love your body-positive messages and the confidence you exude, you are truly a fitting role model for young ladies everywhere.
    I have one quickie question, though you might’ve already covered it, if you did so I apologize.
    I have some friends who are bigger than I am, what should I do when they start to put themselves down and start calling themselves fat? I’ve always told them “You are gorgeous just the way you are (which is true!) so f*ck society’s expectations girl, believe in yourself!”. However I feel like I want to do more for them, make them actually believe me. Any advice on what to do?
    Thank you so much!

  40. Bianka Cintron
    February 3, 2015 / 12:13 am

    Hey ! I Wanted All Ur Videos Lol . I Think Ur Mad Beautiful Inside And Out ! Amazing Person ! I Love Ur Fashion And Your Makeup Always On Point ! Hey I Was Wondering If You Can Do A Get Ready With Me Valentines Day Edition And Get Ready With Me Club Edition ?

  41. Rich
    March 29, 2015 / 8:57 am

    Okay, you are divinely proportioned. I love cake bosses and you definitely have your own flavor. So my request, as wrong as it may be, is to see an upside-down cake look book with bounce music in the background. Though it can’t happen the way I’d want to see it, a more conservative plus-size yoga wear look book could help many of your viewers make sensible choices while in the most challenging and possibly unflattering positions that yoga demands.

  42. tats
    April 21, 2015 / 1:50 pm

    Love your confidence and how gorgeous you are!

    BTW my daughter is named Nahla too!!! born in early 2010! (I totally did it cause of the lion king tho lol…I was 4 when it came out and I love it!)

  43. Bruna Luz
    April 21, 2015 / 9:53 pm

    Hi Sarah , I’m Brazilian , my name is Bruna Luz , I am very passionate about their videos on you tube , assists all day and give many likes , see the photos and read your blog too, wanted to write you because I feel like I know her laugh a lot its so fun to be way , I have the dream of going to the United States of America, here in Brazil things are a little complicated . Here u have a friend OK . Many, many kisses for you and your beautiful daughters . Bye.
    PS : I dream to be a model plus size too, know I can not because I’m not beautiful.

  44. Kevin
    May 16, 2015 / 9:57 am

    I have a niece who is taller and thicker than average and absolutely love her like my own daughter and I’m terrified of the damaging lies she gets subjected to by our society that say you must look and act a certain way for men to like you. So it’s with tremendous encouragement that I watched more than a couple of your videos combat the dark corners of our society. True beauty comes from the heart! Keep shining the light on the wicked in this world who are the true fat and ugly!

  45. Ken
    June 3, 2015 / 2:29 pm

    Hi I’m not weird or anything but I am an admirerer of your youtube videos I find them insiteful even for a fat guy like me

  46. Lily
    June 12, 2015 / 12:04 pm

    I just recently found your videos and I have struggled for years to embrace my plus size. I am what you called in one of your videos “new fat” and did not want to start shopping plus size. Watching your haul videos showed me that I can embrace myself at any size & that i’m not limited to the frumpy big shapeless clothes. It’s crazy to think that watching your videos helped me considering I think of myself as a grown woman, I’m 38 years old for crying out loud but I was able to connect with you. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for putting yourself out there. I can’t imagine it’s easy for other’s to criticize you when you put yourself out there like that and for that reason I just wanted to reach out and thank you.

  47. Cara
    June 15, 2015 / 9:48 am

    You were the first Youtuber I ever Subscribed too. I have always loved fashion and hair but make-up and I weren’t super close. I’m not sure why, i was looking up Plus-Size fashion and you were the first to pop-up. I instantly LOVED you. you and I have the same silly, dorky sense of Humor and frankness. I appreciate that. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me and being yourself. it really helps me to continue to grow in confidence and love who I am. (been working on that for 29 years). Anyway, happy Monday (if you read this today) or at all? eeek. that would be crazy if you actually read all of your mail! Must be a ton of it!
    yeah, so now I’m rambling.

  48. Argoins
    July 5, 2015 / 7:49 pm

    Sarah I just love your videos, you are so honest and straight forward… Love how you talk bout knowing what you deserve and stuff… Thank you, your videos help me and I’m sure many others!

  49. January 24, 2016 / 5:42 pm

    Hi Sarah thank you for being such a beautiful human being inside and out and being such a positive amazing role model and such an inspirational hero to so many you are amazing and always look sensationally stunning I’m proud to be a fan xxxxxxxxx

  50. January 24, 2016 / 5:44 pm

    Hi Sarah thank you for being such a beautiful human being inside and out and being such a positive amazing role model and such an inspirational hero to so many you are amazing and always look sensationally stunning I’m proud to be a fan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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