Happy Mother’s Day

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My mother and I

So, I took my first week off of school to organize my room and the kids area a bit. I also started reading a book that EVERYONE seems to be talking about, Fifty Shades of Grey. It was recommend to me by a friend so I decided I’d check it out.

Now, let me say, that I have a problem. I have the slightest bit of OCD and I can’t read the first book in a series without needing to read them all, whether I like them or not. So after reading the first book in the Fifty Shades Trilogy, Fifty Shades of Grey, I felt obligated to read the next one. I started reading on Thursday night and now, Monday morning, I’m done with the second one. I’ll probably be done with the third one, Fifty Shades Freed, sometime tomorrow.

Once I’m finished with the series I’ll be back in the kitchen and back to my blog. 🙂 I also plan to write a review of all three books. So, those of you interested in reading them look out for that sometime this week.

Yesterday was mother’s day so I thought I’d share a couple of pictures.

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My OCD… forcing me to read. 🙂


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My Chunky Butt.. the one who made me a mother.


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Jaden the one who made me super mom!


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Nahla was all attitude as usual.

I hope you all had a great mother’s day!

1 Comment

  1. Patty R.
    May 14, 2012 / 8:10 pm

    Some really cute pictures you have there:)

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