Plus Size OOTD: Rhinestone Collar and Red Skinny Jeans

I was feeling a little feisty this weekend and decided colored skinny jeans were a must. I didn’t have any grandiose plans for my day but hey, a button up shirt with a rhinestone collar is perfect for breakfast at…


Python Hand Bag from CUADRA + OOTD

A few weeks ago, I headed to Chicago for the Windy City Soiree and spent the night tweeting, talking, and touring the ever beautiful Water Tower Place. It was my first time there and it blew my mind. It’s not…


Plus Size OOTD: Navy Blazer and Jeans

I was exhausted by my last day of BlogHer and I wanted to be comfortable. Obviously, I couldn’t walk around in yoga pants and my college hoodie like I would have LOVED to do but I could keep it pretty…


Plus Size OOTD: Polka Dot Blouse & Loafers

  On Day Two of BlogHer ’13 I had many more parties to attend but wasn’t looking to wear heels and a dress. My shoes from the day before had my little toes in some pain so I decided to keep…


Plus Size OOTD: Casual Purple Party Dress

I went to a blogging conference last weekend. You may have heard of it… it’s only the biggest blogging conference in the entire world, BlogHer ’13. This year it was in Chicago, thankfully, so I only had to travel about…


Poolside Ready With Sears

You know those people that go around thinking all those positive thoughts because they believe it will make their lives more positive? Yeah, well I’m becoming one of those people. Every morning I wake up and think today is the…


My Life, On Camera

Hello, my dears. I went on a bit of a shopping adventure last week and picked up a bunch of randomness. I decided to show off some of my finds in a Mall Haul video. Check it out below 🙂…


Nautical. Oh, Yes.

I don’t always like new trends because I know that if I fall victim to the trend I will end up looking back in a few years and cringing. Gaucho pants come to mind… oh, and ponchos. Who remembers the…


Looking for Something?